author Constantin Ionut

Constantin Ionut


  • What parasites live in the human body? How to cleanse the body of parasites at home with the help of herbs and other recipes.
    19 April 2022
  • Vehicle selection you can use the tablet provided a broad spectrum of parasites, intestinal worms, a kind of the unknown, of the living body. Also required to pass the tests to identify the parasite.
    27 September 2019
  • Wolf – this animal living humans parasitic worms and certain types. Their eggs are visible as a result of infection werewolf. Research approximately 25% of the planet's humanity only helminthiasis.
    25 July 2019
  • Wolf Children – bad, but, unfortunately, is a fairly common problem. Wolf and a disease pathogen can be occur to install exactly, and only a qualified technician.
    2 July 2019
  • Every human can be infected with intestinal worms — home appliances with the animal, unwashed hands, raw fish or meat. Slightest suspicious infection, worms, immediately consult a doctor.
    18 May 2019
  • For what type of parasites live in the human body. The most common types of helminth. Infection and symptoms of the underlying infection.
    10 April 2019