Parasites in the human body: causes, symptoms and treatment folk remedies

There are parasites a serious problem with modernity.

Condescending, its own dangers, along with insufficient awareness and the roads about the biology of these creatures has led to invade, for the moment at least to this native parasites or other several billion people.

In this article, I'll tell you in detail what type of parasites in the human body I may be about the cause and symptoms and control methods of parasite or another.


Small retreat:as almost all of us agree that pigs are one of the most delicious meals, delicacies, especially when at that restaurant. Pork – pork that we consume sometimes, keep away from sources acceptable to most polluted.

What are the parasites?

Noise – this organism, living it completely because of other, larger, body. Localization endoparasite ectoparasite open and the guy who lives where income, from infecting. Parasite composition that can be viruses, bacteria, worms, insects, and even vertebrates.

Something natural interference is unacceptable. On the contrary, in the process scientists are not aware of what it is and where it came from, is one of the reasons that people infected with persistent, low life expectancy still 1 – 2 centuries ago. Because deadly to many insects, and in some cases only qualified medical intervention to save lives.

Skillfully disguises itself as other illness can take many years because of parasites other disease you cannot cure continues until, if their real reason.

Kind of parasites, the city's most popular

More close to nature, the traditions, the more likely you have a parasite or keep it a series of its own.

Ribbon and round worms, fleas, lice, ticks under the skin, and wohlfahrtia larvae of the gadfly, eco – this is not a complete list of those who dying for human flesh and blood, let's take a detailed look at causes, symptoms and treatment parasites in the human body at least a basic type.

Worms, tapeworm

Tapeworm – beef tapeworm and pork, such as an informal name Big Hill, it offers as well as the tapeworm. The worm is alive, and detects a time the first few months of the small and large intestine, and the results strong weight loss over time, her "owner".

The general structure of the tapeworms head all occurs in a vacuum, is attached to the wall of the small intestine helminth laundry, and a few hundred or thousand segments with increasing thickness of mature eggs.

The three segments detached from the body over time and displays the worms with stool. Their appearance – guaranteed to take the necessary measures to celebrate what was and is a sign of a parasite.

For him, this is a normal process of life, under natural conditions, these segments of moving dozens of minutes after the explosion, scattering around helminth eggs. So if it applies freecell, bull tapeworm, segments spontaneously creep through those anus.

Signs of tape worms in humans

You have tapeworm symptoms in the human body:

  • abdominal pain, alters your location
  • diarrhea,
  • vomiting,
  • headache.

Considering a tapeworm carrier that could be almost any animal, including a mouse, follows, about the result in your mouth to contact any potentially unsafe land.

So great freecell Lenta applies if an infection them coming, insufficient heat treated or salted fish.

Pumpkin seeds

Treatment of large tapeworm in humans in the House

Public treatment methods include the following:

A few days ago, you need to go for a diet treatment carbohydrates. For later use, one of two things:

  • Pumpkin seed. Peel and raw sunflower seeds to eat a few receptions, squeezed juice. 300 a day is enough for an adult, children – 100 one-off used.
  • To pay for the treatment the following ingredients: 4 pieces, Tansy, flax seeds and ground cloves – 2 pieces, 1 piece araucaria seeds (grass dies) color, gentian, Wormwood, pumpkin seeds (ground).

The components are crushed, mixed and lasts for a week, dry, about a tablespoon. First day – 1 Times, Morning, second 2 times and on the third day in the morning and before meals, 3 times a day on the following days, a glass of water.

Then someone of the previous two points is done in the morning on an empty stomach, enema, and a laxative is given 2 hours later after another accepted service tool.

Broken helminth (several meters long) are examined to determine whether a head on one end with a vacuum. If not, then a full week after the worm treatment of the output is repeated. Preferably the control process again for 3 weeks already.

Echinococcosis (hydatid disease)

Helminth infection can be fatal over time with service features such as your very dangerous. Thin banded worms, thickness of 3-4 mm and a length of about 1 mm blisters that can occur if there is a feature in the internal organs (including liver, lung and brain).

The balloon that represent hydatid fluid-filled gap with a wall, such as worms, created within the bubbles, including in sub. This is exactly such a pathology, of people you can reach in a few gallons.

Adult echinococcosis, the attacks in the small intestine, the larvae through the blood stream and transported to the portal vein body. Diagnosis can be made with tomography, feces analysis, or a custom response to the presence of antibodies in the body Echinococcus.


Cysts symptoms in humans

Hydatidosis symptoms, especially at the initial stage, under other diseases may be masked, therefore, a sensible way to spend the more diagnostic symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • fatigue;
  • headache;
  • vomiting;
  • renal colic;
  • low-grade fever;
  • decreased appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • violence and pain in the region of the liver.

Treatment of hydatidosis

Qualified medical assistance with operational intervention required for the parasite upon detection. A position that is easy with any of the following folk remedies:

  • Birch collection, kidney, Chichewa mint leaves and dies. The components are imported together in a 100:75:75 is filled in 100 ml of water at the rate of a tablespoon. Drinking: for children 50 ml, 100 ml 4 times a day for adults, two weeks, a month or so.
  • Alcohol tincture of birch grass and swallow, kidney, sincere. The component which is filled with vodka in a ratio of 1:5 and a week of your time. Dosage: take 1 tablespoon one hour after a meal 3 times a day.
  • Worm grass. A tablespoon of flowers in 1 cup of boiling water to insist 2 hours calculation. 100 ml of Al, a day, an hour before meals.

It should be noted that helminth echinococcosis using being constantly plugs them affected organs (liver, lungs, brain) it's not, maybe exile, using a bath through the skin, on the contrary, the proposals for the individual figures, traditional medicine.

Roundworm (Ascaris human)

Round cross-section worms, 20 – 35 cm in length, most often is compared to intestinal worms. Roundworm, organ wear and earlier there are different varieties constantly moving stream of half-digested food, bowel last.

But this doesn't stop their damage. Worms, from time to time, multiplication, and their larvae are eating the intestinal wall is moved into the body, blood flow, such as helminth larvae, from previous forms.

It is lightweight and an authentic fact from entering through coughing, phlegm along with oral cavity, it on that they are so small, patients are not even aware most of the time.

In addition, due to larval migration, could live roundworm, liver, kidney, spleen, lung, brain, for decades. To have very destructive properties, such as echinococcosis, roundworm, however, possible in men with disorders such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, and in women with brain tumor.

Flax seed

Symptoms Of Ascaris

Ascaris group of symptoms, you should pay attention to are as follows:

  • increased saliva;
  • weight loss;
  • blood diarrhea and fecal masses;
  • allergies and itching;
  • shortness of breath, bronchitis or pneumonia;
  • low-grade fever;
  • high blood pressure;
  • vomiting and lack of appetite;
  • depression and neurosis.

Left with diagnosis made according to the overall analysis of what you should consult with a private agency.

Ascarisoz treatment folk remedies

Exile applied to Ascaris, recipes folk remedies for the treatment of the following includes:

  • enema with milk and garlic. Put a glass of milk infused garlic enema in the form of night. The course is applied once a week.
  • pumpkin seed. Similarly described above tapeworm treatment;
  • tincture Wormwood leaves and grated raw pumpkin seeds. The additional two components in equal proportion and buy vodka and insist in a dark place for a week. The finished tincture used is 2 ml once a day before lunch and dinner 50;
  • boiling water is poured at a rate of Yesil walnuts, 1 Nut, 2 water and drunk half an hour. Infusion drink a glass day after a accepted laxative;

After riding the body of parasites recovery tools

In any case, infringement of accommodation, the normal working experience for a parasite organs, where they are.

Kidney and liver function exposure echinococcosis, round, doing moves to lungs and liver is saved even after their death, ribbon worms spoil the vacuum with duodenal ulcer increases the risk of the wall of the intestine.

For this reason, folk medicine recommends that you use to resolve these effects the following recipes:

  • Flax seed recovers from intestinal infusion. Brew a cup of seeds and a tablespoon of water at a rate of insist 2 hours. Treatment: 50 ml per day three times a week;
  • A general improvement is obtained in the following Collection: 2 nettle leaf, 1 part corn starch and 5 pieces of fruit lemon.

The mixture was sealed with boiling water at the same rate, and in the same way used in the previous article.

Parasite infection prevention

Rule # 1: Don't have enough fish salted, roasted or boiled. Sushi or sashimi, salted herring can be considered as gourmet food. But mainly this is raw fish, and fish one of the components of the life cycle of parasitic worms.

How: the first larvae ingested, where mussels are grown, no longer a certain limit, after eating the mussels, fish, larvae, ingested live the rest of his digestive system, then grow and multiply, import, Nov the texture of the fish, then the fish eating dolphin, seagull, or a polar bear. In the Japanese culture, or the decision to participate in high visitors, restaurant.

There is a theory that flour of raw fish. To make up for this, or is returned immediately after capture and resolved just before cooking, or should be, grown on a fish farm, especially with a lack of control, noise. Baked him a plate to check but really risky, as a rule, it is not possible.


Et raw oil salt and fresh ground beef that you've been careful must comply with the same.

In addition, infected helmintox, I have to wash vegetables before eating, hand–, too. To be a component of the natural environment, these parasites are common almost everywhere in the human body.

Any person with food or with a hand soil, soil, dust and vegetation, let alone a meal of their eggs are microscopic. If the Wolf swallowed the egg intestinal displays, which remove not only.

Only the last parasite attack, or holiday, nature, people, these, for example:

  • malaria Plasmodium, a variety of mosquito Culex is found in saliva,
  • pathogens encephalitis, Ixodes saliva mites,
  • the sandflies and Wohlfarth, Kent.

Application of these measures all kinds of repellents for a walk, in nature, as well as maximum protection of the open body areas (mosquito nets, grill, custom gel).

However, it still doesn't help if prevention? Known to attack, such as a long, long time and there are ways for treatment known folk.

And, finally, it should be noted that alignment simple rules of Hygiene and sanitation, disposal, flies and cockroaches, can greatly reduce the risk of infection, parasites, heavy demands may result.