14 there are signs Wolf

Proven, parasites (or wolf, such as it is popularly called) capable of striking and "settle" for any bodies, including the human, eye, brain, heart.

Symptoms of helminthiasis

This development is packed with a great people are among the pathologies of:

  • bronchial asthma,
  • iron deficiency anemia
  • the disease in the gastrointestinal tract,
  • neurological disorders,
  • education granulomas in the lungs, liver, abdominal cavity,
  • immune weakening.

Consider, symptoms, and combined with each other about the signal, in the presence parasites in the body.

Symptoms of helminthiasis (intestinal worms)

During itching worms

The most characteristic symptoms of helminthiasis (presence of intestinal worms in the body) , itching in the anal region switch. Itching is usually advanced night parasite eggs from time to time emit toxic substances.

Worms skin rashes during

Skin rashes, hyperemia (redness), itching, the presence of worms in humans you can speak favor.

Additionally, toxic substances, secreted, blood parasites, accumulated, why the coins in his appearance with similar symptoms, such as severe diseases, eczema, and urticaria.

Weeping gnashing of teeth in a dream

Bruxism (or teeth) of the irritant response, which is a parasite on the human nervous system.

Gnashing of teeth is not always possible because in the dream you notice that the most frequently observed attention the following symptoms:

  • gradual deletion, dental,
  • increased sensitivity,enamel
  • pain and discomfort in the jaw,
  • marks and roughness on the inner surface of the cheek chewing.

However, repeatedly during the research attempt to establish a connection between a sound of grinding teeth intestinal worms, gave positive results.

Worms skin rashes during

Weeping gnashing of teeth in a dream they say scientists are a result of malocclusion, pathology, ENT organs, or nervous disorders.

Kurt and weight loss

The fineness of acceptance is one of the symptoms of helminthiasis.

Really, the only parasites the human body and poison him enough to buy foreclosed properties vitamins and nutrients. As a result, the person first experiences the feeling of constant hunger, even if I ate just a little, and secondly, lose weight.

Another option: there may be a gap in the ground, poisoning of appetite, weight loss.

Intestinal worms constipation

Frequent constipation for no apparent reason that may indicate the presence in the body.

The thing is, the worms contribute to bowel irritation, and the violation of the digestive process as a result of reduced input of water from the body, provokes constipation.

In addition, a large gathering on the large size of the bile and the intestinal tract parasites dismiss them, what amount of actions is significantly reduced bowel movements, unpleasant sensations and depending on the process.

During diarrhea worms

Some types of noise-producing substances, accumulated waste from the body chloride and sodium, resulting in frequent urine, defecation.

What triggered the inflammatory process during diarrhea and parasites, the worms can be seen attached to the wall cause the amount of liquid that secretes the small intestine, which is able to cope with the infected body.

Weeping gnashing of teeth in a dream

Gas from the Wolf

Bloating and stomach pain, excessive gas formation may be due to the inflammation of the intestinal wall, parasites are more guilty.

These symptoms should be especially careful after it emerged they are the ones who travel to a country with bad environmental conditions.

Worms joint pain

Secreted toxins, parasites, the muscles fall, as well as the texture of the blocking fluid from the joint proper nutrition. This causes inflammation and joint pain, Nov, stupid or acute pain, the sensations and the accompanying character.

Anemia, worms

Parasites feed on a separate species, is filled with blood, just Development blood loss and iron deficiency anemia.

Anemia rear of a person whose body is in "live" parasites, you experience the following symptoms:

  • extreme fatigue,
  • easy fatigue,
  • general weakness,
  • dizziness,
  • headache,
  • scalding the skin and sclera of the eye cover
  • shortness of breath,
  • rapid heartbeat.

During allergy worms

Helminthic infestation can not only secrete toxins, poisoning and violate the integrity of the intestinal mucosa and the sides of the body, the way you work by causing the immune system.

Worms joint pain

The nervous system of worms

Proven secreted toxins, worms, adverse effects, nervous system yourself from an infected person irritability, frequent mood swings, apathy, depression, impaired concentration and memory.

A sleep disorder worms

Difficulty falling asleep, a feeling of weakness shedding in the morning, regular at night (especially two-and three between the morning hours), is to warn the presence of parasites in the body because all these symptoms may occur on a background.

During seizures worms

In severe cases, possible poisoning the products of living parasites to the brain can cause seizures.

Wolf lung

During the migration process, easy to pick up the Wolf, proven the following symptoms:

  • cough,
  • the rate of increase is much lower grade continuous digits
  • phlegm
  • runny nose.

Remember, these parasites can trigger the development of terrible diseases like pneumonia and bronchial asthma.

Practical suggestions worms

Treatment in which doctors a wolf?

Symptoms the presence of parasites in the body is very versatile and blurred. Therefore, you should consult with helminthiasis questionable adult therapist and a child – children's doctor . Special about the doctors that will be brought in if necessary.

Tests worm eggs

Questionable holding helminthiasis assign languages studies:

  • Three times stool analysis (research break between 3 to 4 days).
  • A more detailed analysis due to the application of informative technology, PCR ).
  • Scraping Enterobius (Enterobius Note This analysis is not informative).
  • Leukocyte formula of the blood (eosinophils parasitic diseases emerge of the growing number).
  • Immunoglobulins serological blood tests to determine a location that allows the parasites in the human body.
  • ULTRASOUND of the liver organ an increase large enough to show what it says about an inflammatory process caused by the toxic effects of the parasites.
  • Brain MRI help to install directly the presence of parasites in the brain.
During seizures worms

How to get rid of kurt?

For an anthelmintic treatment is a prescription only doctor.

Self-treatment can be useless, it's a different group of drugs to combat different types of parasites applied.

In addition, self-medication is dangerous because an anthelmintic composition helminthiasis drugs, poisons it contains, affect, in case of failure to pay attention, the dose and regimen for toxic effects on the body.

Wolf prevention

Parasites into the body from getting alert throughout the following activities:

  • Hand washing after a walk and before dinner.
  • Drinking boiled or purified water.
  • With the exception of food intake, salted, dried and dried fish, a certificate issued.
  • Heat treated meat products.
  • A full wash vegetables and fruit.
  • With the exception of the bathroom, the dirty waters.
  • Holding the prevention, intestinal worms, all family members and pets.