Signs and symptoms of an adult human intestinal worms

Ever a prevalence that cause diseases diseases, parasites, remains high. The most common infection among children of primary school age, preschool and pinworms. If you have a child in the family, in most cases, and infected adults. Another very common helminth in temperate countries is happening, and not always obvious symptoms, askariazis. Adult people in connection with hunting and fishing interests, but also characteristic difillobotrioz and Trichinosis.

worms in the human body

On the contrary, children and adults, resulting in a stronger immune system, the body and the resulting symptoms of a parasite infection burden required for large intestinal worms. Most of the development cycle, end-all, be incapable of February in the body, and their number is growing only re-ingested eggs. Therefore, humans, Wolves, them often amounts, symptoms, intestinal worms, or never significant a person's for years. The most common types are viruses, worms, living from a few weeks to two years. Others, such as pig, bull, and the other did not front the decades of a person within the organism. In addition, there is a non existing dangerous wolf, but in the body that proliferate endlessly talented master (Stephen dwarf, hookworm, etc.).

Helminthiasis caused by various pathogens, diseases may leak under the guise of, gastrointestinal system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system as well as pathology.

General signs and symptoms of human intestinal worms

In most cases, symptoms of intestinal worms, a loss was not significant even though they give a person a long time. But it all depends infectious load and the parasite.

Most likely the presence of symptoms, intestinal worms, if a person is a general malaise, fatigue, weakness, itching, anus.

Basic feature intestinal worms, parasites may often be a particularly attractive person (especially a child) between a sharp body weight loss, anemia, weakness, pale skin, digestive disorders (constipation, diarrhea), vomiting, stool symptoms the presence of, for example, rounded tapeworm segments or adult individuals.

This general signs and symptoms of human intestinal worms, presence has its own range-specific symptoms, the individual, each body system.

Gastrointestinal tract

Great excitement if worm invasions localization, bowel disorders the main symptoms of this condition you will be in the lumen of the digestive system function. The main symptoms, intestinal worms, defeat adult digestive system can be divided into:

  • changing constipation and diarrhea;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • abdominal pain, non-clear localization;
  • excessive bloating.

Signs the data with severity, separately for each person and at the same time, a specific clinical condition.

Intestinal worms the intestinal lumen may result in an excessive amount adult individuals, its why this persistent disorder is the chair of full or partial overlap.

intestinal worms symptoms of central nervous system

Central nervous system

The result of most helminth life, Toxic Substances, why is a common phenomenon of the organism intoxication. Continuous exposure of the organism to toxic substances leads to the formation of persistent disorders, central nervous system. The basic symptoms of helminth nerve in adults is as follows:

  • headaches with varying degrees of density
  • dizziness
  • sensation, nausea, sometimes vomiting
  • increased body temperature shoot up
  • of pain large and small joints.

Vitamin deficiency, along with a persistent friend helminths, leads to the formation of the nervous system toxic effects, chronic fatigue syndrome, loss of concentration, excessive sleeping or insomnia and also.

Skin covers

Kurt ever fully proven a causal link in adults and allergies combined. Human, helminthiasis, pain, rapidly deteriorating the situation of the skin. Most of the waste products the body with the worms as perceived by foreign agents such as a human formation, allergic reactions.

As a result, the body overproduction of the main neurotransmitters anti — histamine has been output on the surface, the specific skin rash, edema. The itching sensation may occur also start to bother people constantly cough, nasal congestion.

Immune system

Along with the depression's sharp decrease in all body functions, immune defense, human. Reduction may cause the intensification of existing and the formation of the body's defenses caused by chronic diseases, inflammatory diseases, nasal cavity, oral cavity, organs of the female reproductive system.

One possible cause may be the presence of habitual snoring is remarkable what the worm invasion in the body.

The most common symptoms of helminths

Characteristics, clinical symptoms, and to a lesser extent, their intensity is a kind of stimulant that is directly connected to. The most important symptoms in adults intestinal worms ascariasis example that can be seen already after 2 days of the invasion, since during the migration, the larvae of the blood flow. Some parasites of the incubation period is 18 months.



Basic symptoms of ascariasis in adults are directly connected to the life-cycle helminth stages. Larvae of ascariasis migration under pathogen's car, blasting the body with blood flow and more blood flow into them. If the main symptoms of lung diseases larvae of fall fabric the view that can be called a low-grade temperature, dry cough, fatigue, general malaise. Purulent bronchitis and pneumonia may develop in severe cases. Ascaris larvae fall with the gastrointestinal blood flow when violation occurs features. Human, pain interference, emergent body weight loss.


The most characteristic and distinctive symptom of this disease is the emergence of powerful itching, anus, increases significantly at night. Another important diagnostic signs of infection, the duration and frequency, itching. In this case, the itching continues more than 2 days in a row, on their own, then disappear and re-appear already after 2-3 weeks.

Intestinal schistosomiasis, hookworm porn, trichocephalus, difillobotrioz

Data merge due to helminths varieties, each one gives a similar clinical picture. The result is medium flow (a relatively small amount of parasites) similar to disease, balance disorders, normal and pathogenic microflora in the intestines, therefore, expressed as the basic dysbacteriosis in adults symptoms, abdominal pain, distention, diarrhea (incl. blood). More severe symptoms more serious.

Other findings in this group can be connected beriberi helminths, 12 kit and ironkit anemia, vitamin A deficiency A.

Schistosomiasis (urogenital)

This type of development which shows itself in the form of schistosomiasis disorders, blood in the urine urine the property of the foreign substances.


Helminths are most commonly specified type the following symptoms manifest:

  • hectic situation of increased body temperature;
  • emergence, edema, the face and especially the eyelid;
  • Nov spontaneous aches.


Premium intestinal pathogen usually sees. Such invasions are characterized by worm wound primary organs, gastrointestinal tract. The basic symptoms of these diseases include:

  • lesion, gallbladder and bile ducts;
  • dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, diarrhea, bloating);
  • signs of an allergic reaction of varying degrees.

In clonorchiasis, fascioliasis, opisthorchiasis

Group offered hits and helminths parenchyma, liver, gall bladder and bile ducts. Opistorxoz adults the most likely symptoms are as follows:

  • increasing sizes of liver and enlarged spleen (hepatosplenomegaly);
  • increasing the concentration of bilirubin in the blood (yellow syndrome);
  • development of chronic pancreatitis, and in holecistoholangit;
  • central nervous system disorders.

The Wolf of the most common types of the signs and symptoms described in this article, which is that a person is infected with. Some of the same, especially in different body parts containing a clinical picture that can be increased helminthiasis in the eyes, the skin under the balls or eyes, and without full and partial vision loss return. Just confirm or deny for the passage of a special vehicle of infection under laboratory, determined by the doctor separately.