Parasites in the human body: symptoms and treatment

Most people don't even think about how it's not, in itself, one of the body lives. The parasites in question. Someone we believe in, and for a time no animals in his house and washes their hands and then going all out, risk very little infestations. It's not that. Health Statistics, parasites in the human body by almost 50% in the case of. The Wolf, for example, sections of the old creatures, parasitic in the human body. People in their presence so that they in no way often adapted a lifestyle that is emerging, and the media looks like the infections are asymptomatic.

In fact, the symptoms are always there in time distinguished marks. Which we got today and if it shows signs of contamination, may be directed to take measures against the invasion which the prevention and treatment parasites that are detected.

parasites in the human body

Symptoms of parasite infestation

The biggest problem in terms of the detected parasites in the body – versatility and symptoms, possible confusing, not only for oneself, but a doctor to which the patient asked for advice. Depending on the type, localization, and life cycle parasites shows itself in different ways. Sometimes people won't notice the most symptoms when stopping only one out (e.g., pain, lung). As a result, he came up with Malady determine the patient's treatment and send you home because they are not clinical.

Therefore, it is important to see a picture, his general health, by specifying a comprehensive change is possible. Medical allocates more than a dozen symptom, sign of the infecting parasites. Consider these symptoms as a table.

Showing the parasites in the body?

Symptom What happens to your body?
Allergic reactions If a person suddenly begins to suffer from allergy symptoms, check the value and parasites. The thing is, the choice of pest-toxic, and the body's immune system response, which in turn cause irritation and allergies vitamin E and high amounts of defense cells.
Nov and joint pain Parasites talented resident connective tissue, joint fluid, Nov. While walking, they cause the pain many blamed on arthritis, injury, or stretching. In fact, pain may indicate inflammation in the joints and Nov, and due to wear and tear of living parasites.
Anemia Simple living, blood human, blood cells and why it is important to feed talented, and it's her loss. Parasites also cause anemia, intestinal iron exhaust useful substances, including the owner of the House.
Headache Regular headaches, dizziness, nausea, poisoning, parasitic infestation of the body due to sign.
No reason for a decrease/increase weight Weight deficiency due to the domestic consumers of food, feed and the same person. Associate with increased weight gain in the face of what the body loses beneficial ingredients, a person can constantly live, horse racing, blood glucose, and open feels.
Sleep disorders Frequently waking up, nervous and often sensitive to parasitic diseases that are associated with the invasion of a dream. Cleaned toxic substances the liver works allocated parasites, and his activity usually constitutes the deep night. Itching the anus that may be offensive to a person also does not sleep.
Bruxism (tooth grinding teeth in a dream during the walk) Teeth – grinding a symptom of parasite infestation, especially common in children. It is considered, so the response of nerve endings, toxicity and inflammation.
Inside the back passage itching Anal itching worms often presents itself in the hole, in particular, this symptom is often seen in children.
Chair violation Constipation or diarrhea – bowel showing possible signs of parasitic living. Constipation is related to what occupy plenty of leads to blockage, bowel diarrhea.
Bowel irritation The walls of the organ inflammation, parasites provoke irritable bowel cider. This process impairs the absorption of fat digestibility, which makes it impossible for useful items, besides, abounds in spasms and pain in the right Department.
Bloating Gas, emotion-filled, swollen abdomen is a symptom of parasites in the body bright. Gases will be required if this symptom of caution, no matter what you eat.
Skin problems Urticaria, acne, eczema, dermatitis and other skin rashes signal the body is infected with the parasite. The results of their activities has a negative effect on the digestive system, inevitably "broadcast" and skin skin.
Nervous system disorders Anxiety, irritability, depression and anxiety you may be feeling the symptoms of invasion. Systematic poisoning of the body leads to disorders in the nervous system, in particular, it is important that this figure is for children. Crying for no reason, whims, fears may be under a purely "physical" soil.
Chronic fatigue Lethargy, drowsiness, and reluctance to perform even minimal physical activity – "Hello" parasites steal the body of pain intoxication and the lack of food items.
Immune Often viral and bacterial diseases, microflora disorders, colds and infections signs of infestation. Parasites weaken the immune system by reducing immunoglobulin production.
Offers general disorders, aches, in various organs Depending, localization, parasites have a negative response to any organs: lungs, heart, brain, liver, or pancreas.
Tumor growth and formation The signs and symptoms above, especially collected, to bring together, provoke the emergence of different growth including cancer. Parasites have the ability to fight against the body tired, their growth.
parasites diagnosis

The above mentioned symptoms rarely occur this for a moment, too strong to be a parasitic invasion. But in the meantime everywhere is a symptom of three or four. Consider in this particular example, transmission:

  1. Round – the-pain, bowel disorders, chair, liver dysfunction, and pancreas.
  2. Pinworms – itching and burning around the anus, diarrhea, bloating, bruxism, nervous system disorders, loss of appetite, seizures, and headaches.
  3. Latency – weight loss, allergic reactions, abnormal immune disease, intestinal.

Parasites diagnosis

If a person is found on yourself or your loved ones some of the symptoms above, parasites in the body of the pass is certainly appropriate for the diagnosis. You can apply for this, a therapist, your doctor (or a pediatrician, if the child in question) to get a convenient target. Usually, the local direction write tests, blood, saliva, and feces.

Modern medicine, immunological research also many parasitic infestations, both extensive testing to uncover, a certain group of parasites. Unfortunately, this fee required complex testing and input them private clinics. However, the results obtained shows that certain types of pests, exactly, to assign permissions to adequate treatment.

No drug, equally effective for all groups acting parasites. Also the appointment of the drug should be considered, the developmental stage of pest, such as drugs, force the eggs in Rotten adult individuals. Therefore, the time it takes for tests and the initial treatment in the hands of already solving them. Several types of drugs often doctors, of which we describe below.

Treatment of the parasite invasions

Existing antiparasitic drugs drugs to modernity, with a wide range of effects, namely in the human body comprises more than one type of intestinal parasites in creatures. However, as noted above, like any drug, special event and assigned after you made the diagnosis. However, for vehicles such as parasites, infecting about a dozen in the doctor's Arsenal (and analog), proven safe and effective.

The first group is found in the body when drugs are valid for round worms, nematodes, worms. If the drug is assigned, a person infected with parasites such as pinworms, such as roundworm, vlasoglava, Trichinella, and so forth.

The second group of drugs has the efficiency against worms and tape, or hook, tapeworms. Wonderful Lenta attributed to them, trematodes, pygmy, pork and beef tapeworms – these parasites are the most common.

Understand the value of parasites infecting a family member, with a probability of 99% of these harmful organisms and also other family members in the carrier. Accordingly, the diagnosis and recommended treatment to be made for the whole family. The same is true for the small group of people, a tight dialog between (kindergarten, for example).

Public methods GET RID of parasites

public treatment methods

Parasite is significantly more complex treatments, but they continuously multiply in the process of life, thus a person resides in the body at the same time, and eggs, larvae and adult individuals. Receiving medication, usually with a single repetition, it was time for individuals to grow from the body for 10-14 days. At the same time is a good option to help give you the support that conventional medical treatment therapy can do for people.

Pets parasites the in ways initial treatment, discuss it with your doctor. For all the recipes are equally safe, depending on the patient's age and health, they may not be appropriate.

A few popular recipes we tried, for many years the largest number of positive reviews of people recovered of the noise I mean.

Wormwood tincture. Dried chopped Wormwood one tablespoon poured 100 millilitres of alcohol and persist for two weeks in a cool, dark place. then, the liquid filter 20 drops three times a day and consumed before you eat.

Pumpkin seed. Peeled fresh unsalted pumpkin seeds (300 grams) grind coffee grinder, then JMM or water (1:1). You need to eat the mixture on an empty stomach, and then three more hours can't be to eat and then need to take a laxative. The thing is, pumpkin seeds and pests paralysis that contains a special item the recipient with an opportunity for them temporarily against the walls hard bodies.

Mushroom tincture. Preferably white mushrooms or eggs, and mushrooms, and ingredients that kills adult worms and larvae. After two weeks pour the vodka and drunk a handful of fresh mushrooms, the liquid is filtered, and drink a teaspoon before bed. Of course, this method is not suitable for pregnant women and children.

Cork pomegranate. Heat 50 grams of fresh pomegranate peel poured two glasses of boiling water and boil until the liquid pores that can be reduced to the volume has doubled. A sip of the beverage infusion then, after half an hour take a laxative. You must avoid food for four hours. Once this has been completed, a proposed cleansing enema.

Boiling cloves. The crushed clove with a teaspoon of dry powder in the hot water bath after one minute pour a glass of water and insist half an hour cover service. Acceptance just fresh boiling a teaspoon three times a day half an hour before you eat.

The public will be much more effective methods to get rid of parasites, are on the move. First, see a doctor to test you, to know them and results. Then accept pharmaceutical drugs, prescription absolutely order. Discuss with your doctor in advance and recipes that take advantage of people desire to select the best option together. The final step to the city treatment – prevention. We talk about him below.

Prevention of the invasion

Hygiene preventive activities takes the main role by reducing the risks for the invasion. Knowledgeable excellent for even adults to comply with hygienic rules, generally this is ignored. Meanwhile, doctors said he would insist on regular preventive measures possible reduce the risk of infection by half. This hygienic standards obligatory for both children and adults, including:

  1. Careful hand-washing with soap and water (for each parish in the street, contact with the animal).
  2. Processing antiseptic hand gels or wipes.
  3. Change underwear daily (previously stroking her hot iron).
  4. Weekly linen (Laundry Service, hot water).
parasite prevention

You must teach a child not in your mouth, dirty hands, share a meal with their peers, biting each other. Need to explain the baby in danger of falling, the body of dirt, bacteria, and parasites. Especially should wash their hands thoroughly after work, the earth, nature of entertainment.

Daily measures of food can add noise to pungent spices and condiments – most pests can't stand them. Recommended use cook onion and garlic while cooking pepper, cloves, horseradish.


Regular prevention, attention to the smallest-featured, indicating parasites infecting simple rules to protect your entire family ask. Personal hygiene, cooking, food control services, the animal should be treated with the maximum liability. Good health to yourself!